Region: The Kuli are scattered over much of Odisha but are mainly concentrated in Balangir and Sambalpur.
Population*: 13,689
Language: Odia
Map: Click Here
Origin: The name Kuli is believed to be derived from the word Kula, meaning a dumb-bell used for carding cotton, which was their major occupation in the past.
Occupation: Today the Kuli are mainly engaged in weaving, supplemented with cultivation and agricultural labour. Every home has a loom and both men and women work together to produce coarse cotton dhotis and saris which are then sold in the local market.
*Scheduled Tribes Population as per Census 2011 data.
PVTGs Population as per Micro Project Survey Data, 2010
Region: The Kuli are scattered over much of Odisha but are mainly concentrated in Balangir and Sambalpur.
Population*: 13,689
Language: Odia
Map: Click Here
Origin: The name Kuli is believed to be derived from the word Kula, meaning a dumb-bell used for carding cotton, which was their major occupation in the past.
Occupation: Today the Kuli are mainly engaged in weaving, supplemented with cultivation and agricultural labour. Every home has a loom and both men and women work together to produce coarse cotton dhotis and saris which are then sold in the local market.
*Scheduled Tribes Population as per Census 2011 data.
PVTGs Population as per Micro Project Survey Data, 2010
Region: The Kuli are scattered over much of Odisha but are mainly concentrated in Balangir and Sambalpur.
Population*: 13,689
Language: Odia
Map: Click Here
Origin: The name Kuli is believed to be derived from the word Kula, meaning a dumb-bell used for carding cotton, which was their major occupation in the past.
Occupation: Today the Kuli are mainly engaged in weaving, supplemented with cultivation and agricultural labour. Every home has a loom and both men and women work together to produce coarse cotton dhotis and saris which are then sold in the local market.
*Scheduled Tribes Population as per Census 2011 data.
PVTGs Population as per Micro Project Survey Data, 2010
Region: The Kuli are scattered over much of Odisha but are mainly concentrated in Balangir and Sambalpur.
Population*: 13,689
Language: Odia
Map: Click Here
Origin: The name Kuli is believed to be derived from the word Kula, meaning a dumb-bell used for carding cotton, which was their major occupation in the past.
Occupation: Today the Kuli are mainly engaged in weaving, supplemented with cultivation and agricultural labour. Every home has a loom and both men and women work together to produce coarse cotton dhotis and saris which are then sold in the local market.
*Scheduled Tribes Population as per Census 2011 data.
PVTGs Population as per Micro Project Survey Data, 2010
PVTG Communities
62 Scheduled Tribes
PVTG Communities
62 Scheduled Tribes
PVTG Communities
62 Scheduled Tribes